Wednesday, August 8, 2012


For my Podcast Assignment I decided to talk about my home country Trinidad and Tobago. I hope you enjoy!

Here is a video:  trini to the bone - by david rudder

Here is my podcast

Looking forward to your comments...


Ayc1973. (2011 Jan 28). Trinidad and Tobago, Twin Island Republic: its History and Culture. Retrieved on Aug 4, 2012 from,_Twin_Island_Republic:__It's_History_and_Culture
Meridian International Center. (1998). Retrieved on Aug 4, 2012 from
Trinidad guide. Retrieved on Aug 4, 2012 from
Trini to D Bone. (2010, May 31). Retrieved on Aug 8, 2012 from

Thursday, July 5, 2012

“Privacy is Dead, and Social Media holds the Smoking Gun”

Pete Cashmore is the founder and CEO of Mashable, an award-winning site and one of the largest and most popular destinations for digital, social media, and technology news and information with more than 20 million unique visitors per month. Mashable has been named a must-read site by both Fast Company and PC Magazine and is ranked as the most influential media outlet by Klout. Pete founded Mashable in 2005 as a blog focused on up-to-the-minute news on social networks and digital trends. Since then, Mashable quickly grew to be one of the top 10 and most profitable blogs in the world. Pete was named one of Ad Age’s 2011 influences, a Time Magazine 100 in 2010, and a Forbes magazine web celeb 25. He was also named a Briton of the year by the Telegraph in 2010. Pete is a World Economic Forum 2011 Young Global Leader.

The famous quote by Pete Cashmore, “Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun” is a very precise and accurate statement. There are both positive and negative feelings about how personal information gets caught up in the World Wide Web? Is privacy really dead? Most of us would declare that it is. This is partly because of the power of networks, and their ability to leverage your private information for personal gain and/or amusement.

I definitely agree that you should not say anything online that you would not want the world to know about. Although many social network users feel that privacy settings provide security for personal information on the websites, the users must be cautious regarding the information they post on the websites. Such information could lead to the loss of an occupation and could even damage one’s reputation. People are re-connecting with family and friends all over the world and are able to view and access personal information via social network sites.  Social media is also regarded as a popularity tool that allows people to emulate the celebrity culture we are immersed in. We can all become micro-celebrities who capture attention and influence on a much smaller scale. The fear is that as this starts to become more and more prevalent, discarding privacy will become compulsory.

Facebook is an open vault for the robbers to steal valuable possessions. Personal information such as employer, residence, and family should be avoided because hackers can impersonate a user for money. In addition, personal information can lead to theft of a Social Security Number, which is the security for monetary transactions. In fact, hackers can steal Social Security Numbers based on residence information. No matter how safe a user might think their profile on a social network is, it is best to stop publishing personal information on the websites for the sake of privacy. Hackers crave for information, crave for money, and crave power. Therefore, it is essential for users to protect themselves from inevitable dangers.

CNN Story about Online Privacy

Another important consequence of social network privacy is the extent to which the networks can damage self-esteem. Although a person can delete a post, certain comments can hurt another person emotionally. In a True crime report article published on January 28, 2010, the school superintendent Gus Sayer said, “Apparently the young woman had been subjected to taunting from her classmates, mostly through the Facebook,'' regarding the suicide of 15 year old Phoebe Prince.  There has been a suicide climb for teenagers because of  the increasing harassment over social networks now days. With this in mind, it is vital to stop disparaging posts on social networks in order to deter such tragic incidents in the future. Tragic incidents have become a norm to the cyber society. Although many social network users feel that their personal information on the websites remains secured, it is vital to stop publishing private information to deter tragic events.

"Teen Cyber-Bullied to Death"?


In conclusion, the privacy of the information, which is shared by many young people and adults on the Internet, is not very secure. People are cautioned to evaluate the content of information that they share before they make their profiles public, in order to protect their privacy. We have to be cautious of the information we post on our profiles. We often hear people say,  "think about what you say". In this case we have to think about what we post, or tweet or even click. Try to use common sense when accessing social networks, think about long-term consequences. Would this video or that picture come back to bite me one day! Try to be sensitive to others and their feelings. Try not to post rude comments. If you have something negative to say, you can simply message the information privately so the whole world does not need to hear about it. Last but not least, try to protect your identity. Internet predator and on-line hackers are always waiting near by.


This is what the “Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada” had to say about Social Networking.
"Social networking sites have become increasingly popular among Canadian Internet users. According to a poll by TNS Canadian Facts, a Canadian marketing and social research firm, online teens and young adults are the heaviest users of social networking sites, with 83% of 13-17 year old and 74% of 18-29 year old having visited at least one such site. Six in 10 people in their 30s have visited at least one social networking site and 45% of those in their 40s have done so. From our point of view as privacy advocates, a lot of online users do not take the time to really read and understand the user agreements required by all social networks. As online media consumers, we are used to “clicking” a box and ignoring the text inside. It’s becoming obvious that a lot of Canadians - and others - are signing over their privacy rights to these companies in exchange for access to increasingly popular social networks. This is a choice Canadians can make, but we would hope that people would take a minute to think about their choices - and how much information they end up handing over to corporations, advertisers and marketing companies".

Tips for social networking safety from

Use caution when you click links that you receive in messages from your friends on your social website. Treat links in messages on these sites as you would links in email messages. (For more information, see Approach links in email with caution and Click Fraud: Cyber criminals want you to 'like' it.)

Know what you've posted about yourself. A common way that hackers break into financial or other accounts is by clicking the "Forgot your password?" link on the account login page. To break into your account, they search for the answers to your security questions, such as your birthday, home town, high school class, or mother's middle name. If the site allows, make up your own password questions, and don't draw them from material anyone could find with a quick search. For more information, see:

Don't trust that a message is really from who it says it's from. Hackers can break into accounts and send messages that look like they're from your friends, but aren't. If you suspect that a message is fraudulent, use an alternate method to contact your friend to find out. This includes invitations to join new social networks. For more information, see Scammers exploit Facebook friendships.

To avoid giving away email addresses of your friends, do not allow social networking services to scan your email address book. When you join a new social network, you might receive an offer to enter your email address and password to find out if your contacts are on the network. The site might use this information to send email messages to everyone in your contact list or even everyone you've ever sent an email message to with that email address. Social networking sites should explain that they're going to do this, but some do not.

Type the address of your social networking site directly into your browser or use your personal bookmarks. If you click a link to your site through email or another website, you might be entering your account name and password into a fake site where your personal information could be stolen. For more tips about how to avoid phishing scams, see Email and web scams: How to help protect yourself.

Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social network. Identity thieves might create fake profiles in order to get information from you.

Choose your social network carefully. Evaluate the site that you plan to use and make sure you understand the privacy policy. Find out if the site monitors content that people post. You will be providing personal information to this website, so use the same criteria that you would to select a site where you enter your credit card.

Assume that everything you put on a social networking site is permanent. Even if you can delete your account, anyone on the Internet can easily print photos or text or save images and videos to a computer.

Be careful about installing extras on your site. Many social networking sites allow you to download third-party applications that let you do more with your personal page. Criminals sometimes use these applications to steal your personal information. To download and use third-party applications safely, take the same safety precautions that you take with any other program or file you download from the web.

Think twice before you use social networking sites at work. For more information, see Be careful with social networking sites, especially at work.

Talk to your kids about social networking. If you're a parent of children who use social networking sites, see How to help your kids use social websites more safely.


Cashmore, Pete. Author. Retrieved July 4, 2012 from

Hirsh, Jesse. (2009, April 11). Retrieved July 4, 2012 from Retrieved July 4, 2012 from 

Microsoft safety In (2012). Microsoft. Retrieved July 4, 2012 from 

CBC News Online. (2012, Jan 27) Teen Cyber-Bulled to Death?  Retrieved July 4, 2012 from

CNN Live (2009, Nov 17) CNN Story about Online Privacy Retrieved July 4, 2012 from

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Do you believe that social media had increased the quality of news and information or decreased it? 



In my opinion I believe Social Media has increased the quality of news and information. I say this because I think that social media has been a great addition to our lives and it has improved and increased the spread of information. Like with anything, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Social media brought significant changes into the ways that we communicate and retrieve information. Such media is very popular and very beneficial to the everyone.  

I think the most significant benefit of using social media is that it is convenient and accessible. It is also very economical and some social media sites are free to join. It allows people to communicate regardless of where they. The public is able to access information and news from e anywhere in the entire world. We no longer have to wait for the evening news because we can now access information or news much quicker via Internet. People have to be smart about the news they digest though. The quality of information will not always be accurate depending on the source providing the information.





Wednesday, June 13, 2012


It is estimated that there are approximately 7.5 million kids with a facebook account. This is a classical case, “if you can’t beat them join them.” In my opinion if you can’t prevent kids from having a facebook account, at least you can try to control it. There are many things to consider and safety concerns should be the number one priority. There are predators on line just waiting for the right opportunity to communicate with our kids. It’s our responsibility as parents to teach them the rules for staying safe online. We must make sure this is done right the first time. Communicate and monitor their accounts and make sure their computer is visible so you can see what they ae doing on-line.

My 13 year old daughter has a facebook account.  She uses her account to play games and to keep in touch with old friends and family from Trinidad.  If it wasn’t for facebook, she would not have the opportunity to socialize on such a personal level with her extended family.  Whenever we visit Trinidad, it’s so nice to see her interacting with them. This is partly because of the relationships they formed using facebook. We have ground rules, I know her password and she is aware of that.  I monitor her account and whenever she wants to post a picture or add a friend, she has to run it by me first.  She never question my actions because she knows it’s for her own safety and protection.  Kids’ safety is paramount and facebook should make every effort to ensure that when our kids are using this social media site, they are protected. As parents we cannot rely solely on facebook to protect our kids. If grounds rules are not established then kids should not be allowed to have access on facebook.

On the other hand facebook has an obligation to their shareholders to keep the company profitable.  The fact that facebook is now accountable to shareholders many decisions may be questioned along the way. Regardless if this is a ploy to raise the stock prices or not, it doesn’t matter. If this was indeed a ploy to increase the value of shares it was definitely a brilliant on their part.  It’s a concern that facebook needs to address. 
 As a society in general we teach our kids the value of being honest from a very young age. We teach them not to lie and always tell the truth. I think facebook has identified a very important social concern pertaining to values we work so hard to instill in our kids. Facebook can only win from finding a solution to this issue. This could be a win for facebook and for parents and kids alike.  The question is how determined is facebook to pursue a solution to this issue.  
Facebook broadens our children's social circle in a way that wasn't quite possible before this technology. When children are young, we supervise and teach them. As they get older, we trust them to make good decisions. Facebook is teaching our kids a language that will undoubtedly be crucial to their future. Today's children are going to be interacting online with friends and, in the future, business colleagues and customers. Facebook is what life is about, which is connecting with others. 

Should facebook be accessible to kids under 13?
If Facebook is going to allow kids under 13 to open facebook accounts, should there be more restrictions to the privacy settings?

Dean Tsouvalas of Editor – in – Chief of Student Advisor has 8 Tips to Protect your Kids on Facebook. They are:

If you or your kids are considering creating a Facebook account, there are several steps that need to be taken to ensure your privacy and safety while accessing the site.

1. More than two-thirds of children and teens post personal information in their Facebook profile. Work with your child to determine which information is appropriate to share on the Internet and which is private. Making sure that your child’s information is Internet-friendly will alleviate concerns about who is viewing it. Relationship Status, Looking For, and Interested In are good fields for children to keep blank.
2. Encourage your child to use a nickname or middle name instead of their real name, making it more difficult for them to be identified.
3. Facebook privacy settings are different for minors than for adults. By declaring yourself a minor on Facebook, you ensure that you will only receive messages and friend requests from friends of friends. Minors also cannot share their posts publicly. When a minor makes a text or photo post on Facebook, it can only be seen by friends of friends.
4. Parents cannot access their child’s Facebook page if they are over 13 years old. This means that parents cannot report or take something off Facebook without their child’s account information. If you have a young child, make sure you know their user name and password in case you need to access their account.

5. Don’t lie about your age! If your child’s Facebook age is 18, but they seem to be friends and taking photos with many 13-year-old users, Facebook will take notice and likely deactivate your child’s account. By declaring your child’s real age on Facebook, you can ensure that Facebook is providing the safest experience for him or her.
6. There have been many cases of cyber bullying and harassment on Facebook. Make sure to familiarize yourself and your child with Facebook’s reporting tools and find out how to report online harassment in your child’s school.
7. Only have your child join relevant and safe Facebook groups and pages. Pages can be a nice way of showing your interests, but can also be forums for controversial and dangerous discussion.
8. Remind your child that information that they put on the Internet will be there forever – when they are applying for college and for jobs. Anything they post now can come back to haunt them in the future!”

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Has Twitter had a positive or negative influence on the entertainment industry?

In my opinion I believe Twitter has benefited the entertainment industry quite tremendously. I am not very familiar with this particular social media site. With that said I decided to open a Twitter account to examine, evaluate and see what all the hype was all about and found it very interesting. It’s a pretty cool way to keep tabs or follow a certain subject of interest. A Twitter account gives you the ability to post tweets and if you're not interested in posting tweets, you have the ability to read and catch up on the latest entertainment news. This social media site is ranked as one of the ten most visited websites in the world. Twitter helps small companies that do not have large advertising budgets, to be successful. It is easy to use, has a wide following and doesn’t have the limitations to just friends the way that Facebook does.

 Tweeting TV - How Twitter has changed the business of television? 
Television has changed a lot in the past few years, but nothing has had as big of an impact as Twitter. Social media has become such a huge part of the television landscape. Any network not creating memorable impact using social media for their new shows can easily get left behind. Where else can you get celebrities to interact with their fans? Television executives realize the power of fan reactions, live conversation and making shows tweet worthy. We literally get feedback before, during and after any TV series launch. Twitter started off with older adult users and is now filtering towards more mainstream with celebrities like Ashton Kutcher and Britney Spears. By using Twitter, companies can change their marketing on the fly and they can do this inexpensively.

 Movie Marketers Hone Social Listening Skills.
Remember the days when a new movie was about to release, most individuals would tune into some Entertainment News medium to get the latest information. The old Hollywood had the star system and fan magazines. Things have surely changed with the advancement of technology. On-line chats on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook is playing a pivotal role in the movies that are released. Social listening has become ubiquitous in the movie business, more studios are harnessing the power of such mediums as Twitter and Facebook to understand audiences, generate early interest in films and gauge box-office prospects long before opening weekend. It’s the smart way of promoting movies and saving cost on promotion.

Twitter Hits Right Note for Music Industry
Twitter is becoming more and more important for the music industry. It's a great place to promote new releases, connect with fans and stay on top of the latest music news. Twitter users are more engaged with music than their non-tweeting counterparts. They are also more likely to spend money on music  according to research from the NPD Group. Tweeters, in fact, were found to purchase 77% more digital downloads than those who didn’t use the Social Networking site. In this day and age where it is so easy to illegally get a hold of music, films, and other sources of entertainment, it is suggested that feeling like you have a personal relationship with an artist will make you more likely to purchase their music as opposed to obtaining it through other measures. This is partly because Twitter allows users to get an insight into the lives of artists, seeing how hard they work and what their passions and beliefs are.

Here are a few citations about Twitter from a music producer, a recording artist and a Hip-Hop legend:

DJ Misty, an up and coming music producer said:” Twitter keeps people up to date with releases and allows the artists to interact with the fans and gauge what is and isn’t popular.”

Cynikal, a recording artist said: “Twitter is a great tool to directly communicate with my listeners and let them know what’s happening. It also lets them into my day to day life – projecting my personality and beliefs.”

SnoopDogg, a Hip-Hop legend agrees whole heartedly that Twitter has changed the music industry, even going so far as to urge all aspiring musicians to embrace it if they wish to succeed. “I feel it’s the number one key in music right now,” he said, crediting it for keeping him relevant.

Questions about the future of this medium.
Will it continue to be used as technology changes?
Twitter has a lot of limitations. It is just text and entries are short. Will people tire of this?
