Wednesday, August 8, 2012


For my Podcast Assignment I decided to talk about my home country Trinidad and Tobago. I hope you enjoy!

Here is a video:  trini to the bone - by david rudder

Here is my podcast

Looking forward to your comments...


Ayc1973. (2011 Jan 28). Trinidad and Tobago, Twin Island Republic: its History and Culture. Retrieved on Aug 4, 2012 from,_Twin_Island_Republic:__It's_History_and_Culture
Meridian International Center. (1998). Retrieved on Aug 4, 2012 from
Trinidad guide. Retrieved on Aug 4, 2012 from
Trini to D Bone. (2010, May 31). Retrieved on Aug 8, 2012 from


  1. Hey Leana, Happy 50th!!! Thank-you for the history and background on TNT, I wasn't aware that the ethnic and religious make up was so diverse...My plan is to go to Carnival one day but now I am interested in the goat and crab races at Easter. Great podcast, I learned a lot.


  2. Hi Leena,

    I love hearing about other countries and their cultures. I have some work friends from Trinidad and I find they have a similar sense of humour as British people because of their background. We also have cricket and football in common. I have tried that black cake a few times. It is like our traditional wedding cake back in Britain. It sounds like a beautiful place and I hope to visit there one day along with the other islands.


  3. Leena,

    I am having trouble posting comments to WebCT.

    Well Done!! Excellent choice of topic - your passion for TnT could be heard. You have a great voice for podcasting. Great to add the additional links and information on the written blog posting. References appreciated for anyone trying to find more information. I wonder if the black cake is like the Jamaican?

