Thursday, May 24, 2012

BlackBerry or CrackBerry?

The BlackBerry  was one of the first smart phones to be successfully developed and accepted by many users around the world. The smart phone gave users the ability to instantly communicate. No longer were users limited to just phone calls and voice mails, users can now retrieve and send data through many new avenues to any person or organization instantly. It is this attraction that makes many users feel the need to stay connected at all times. My BlackBerry is not just my mobile phone; it’s my all in one (PDA) Personal Digital Assistant.  It is truly a remarkable handheld device.  It is designed to help you stay in touch with the important stuff that matters to you while you're on the go, whether it's a long ride on the train or waiting for hours to see the doctors, its helps you stay connected.

The main reason I got my BlackBerry is because of the BlackBerry Messenger Application.  I can talk to friends and family from abroad and it doesn't cost me anything extra.  I can use it when I have to check emails, browse the web, as a calendar, an alarm clock, for games and text messaging, just to name a few; no wonder it's often referred to as a CrackBerry. The term CrackBerry  may be unfairly labelling users.  Users of many smart phones have evolved from having to sit in front of their computer screen to manage data and emails. The smart phones have given users the freedom to perform task and activity that would normally be completed in an office environment.  For many users this creates the illusion that they are addicted to their devices when in fact they have freed themselves from the restriction on being tethered to the office."


  1. Leena,

    Blog well done. Colourful, interesting and excellent choice of images. Avoid using blue text (this is generally only used for weblinks). Use short, direct sentences for ease of reader.

    1. Thanks for the feedback; I will definitely take that into consideration going forward...

  2. Hi Leena. I liked the picture of the various blackberries. It depicts how far they've come along as well. Thanks for the informative blog!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.
